Category Archives: Blog

Our cashmere muse: Caroline Reesbøll




Denne serie præsenterer vores cashmere muses og viser, hvordan de styler deres yndlings cashmere styles. Vi vil vise, hvordan Caroline Reesbøll, @carolinereesboell_, styler sine forskellige cashmere styles på måder, der er både funktionelle og elegante. Caroline er vores funky og cool cashmere muse, og hun bringer en klassisk, rå og city-like vibe til vores cashmere styles. Hendes city-like men dog klassiske tilgang til mode har helt sikkert fået os til at se hendes vej, og vi er beærede over, at hun bruger vores styles som en del af hendes hverdagsgarderobe. Bliv inspireret af Carolines måde at style vores cashmere styles på.

Office Casual.

Kunsten at sammensætte et outfit der er “office appropriate”, men hvor man samtidig er tilpas er noget, som Caroline er rigtig god til. Hun bærer vores Agnes Pullover i Sky Blue med et par stribede habitbukser og et par stribede støvler. Farverne er neutrale, hvilket giver outfittet et klassisk kontor-look. Vi elsker, hvordan du kan style vores luksuriøse cashmere pullover med et par habitbukser, og med det samme giver det en elegant og professionel silhuet. Vores Agnes Pullover er en crewneck sweater i 100% cashmere med en dobbelt foldet hals, sænkede skuldre, lange ærmer, slidser i siden, comfort fit, og ribstrikkede detaljer ved halsen, håndleddene og hoften. Vi tror, at Agnes er den perfekte pullover til både at have på derhjemme og på kontoret, og Caroline er bevis på, at det nemt kan være både klassisk og komfortabelt på samme tid.


City Girl.

Caroline inkorporerer ubesværet accessories i sine outfits. Hun styler vores klassiske halstørklæde i sort med en lang hvid frakke, ternede bukser, en grøn taske, og en fluffy hat. Det giver den perfekte klassiske og elegante vibe, men gør det city-like. Hendes måde at gøre et outfit chic men samtidig varmt er beundringsværdigt. Det klassiske kalstørklæde er et stort rektangulært halstørklæde i 100% cashmere med et klassisk søm. Carolines måde at få sine accessories til at shine på uden, at det er for meget, er en kunstart, og vi synes, at hun gør det til perfektion med vores cashmere halstørklæde.


Simpelt og hyggeligt.

Vi kender alle de dage, hvor du arbejder hjemmefra eller bare er derhjemme, og du vil gerne iføre dig noget blødt og komfortabelt. Caroline bærer vores Eva Rullekrave for at forblive varm og veltilpas, og sætter den sammen med simple guldsmykker. Vi elsker en god brun sweater, fordi det giver en varme til dit outfit og er samtidig neutralt.

Vores Eva Rullekrave er en oversized sweater i 100% cashmere med en foldet halsudskæring, sænkede skuldre, lange ærmer, og ribstrikkede detaljer ved halsen, håndleddene og hoften. Den har et løstsiddende fit og kan blive brugt sammen med andre lag for at holde varmen i den kolde sæson. Vi elsker, hvor simple Carolines outfits er, og hvordan hun styler en dyb mørkebrun pullover med guldsmykker – det er et match made in heaven.

Caroline har en klassisk men funky tilgang til mode og det skaber en perfekt balance mellem en rå street-style og en klassisk city-vibe. Hun viser, at cashmere accessories kan være den perfekte prik over i’et på dit outfit, og hvordan pullovers kan være både office appropriate og din bedste ven derhjemme.

billede 18.12.2022 21.21.52

Vi beundrer Carolines måde at få et outfit til at se godt ud uanset, hvilken cashmere style hun bærer. Hendes autenticitet i hendes stil er, hvad vi prøver at give til vores cashmere community. Funky, klassisk og stilrent.

A letter from the founder

A letter from the founder

Jeg vil personligt samle op på året 2023, der er gået, med et par af mine tanker. Jeg håber, at du vil læse dette og tænke tilbage på det år, du har haft, og måske endda lave nogle ønsker for det næste år, der kommer.

Vi ser frem til et nyt år. ny sæson. nye styles.

Som i ethvert andet nytårsbrev vil jeg gerne skrive mine tanker ned for fremtiden. Vi vil blive ved med at blive mere og mere bæredygtige – så meget som det er muligt inden for modeindustrien og blive ved med at skabe styles, der kan leve i din garderobe i årtier. Jeg vil blive ved med at skabe styles, der vil være grundlaget i din garderobe og blive ved med at inspirere dig i forhold til styling, så du kan få mest ud af dine cashmere styles. Og mens vi nærmer os lysere og længere dage, ser jeg frem til at introducere nye styles og farver i den kommende kollektion, vores Spring-Summer 2024. Farvepaletten for det nye år er stadig neutrale farver, men med et hint af farve som enhver anden kollektion. Det er målet for det kommende år og for fremtiden generelt.

Året 2023

Dette år 2023 har budt på tre nye kollektioner: vores Pre-Spring 2023, Spring-Summer 2023 og vores Autumn-Winter 2023. Jeg skabte hver kollektion med tanken om at have en specifik farve, der skulle skinne gennem kollektionen, og selvfølgelig også skinne i din garderobe. Jeg begyndte at tænke, at hver kollektion skulle have én farve, der er fremhævet, og som passer ind i sæsonen, og vi kunne godt mærke, at I også elskede det. Visionen har altid været at skabe klassiske styles, men det betyder ikke nødvendigvis neutrale farver – du kan helt sikkert få en vild farve til at fungere i hver sæson, du skal bare style, så det passer til. Farverne, der er stået ud i år, har været Candy, Strawberry, og Violet. Dette år har jeg også været inspireret af kontrasterne i naturen og i byen. Derfor har vores kollektioner også været i neutrale farver, som du finder udenfor såsom den smukke Cloud White, den sarte Sky Blue, og den neutrale brune Toffee.

Læs mere om Birgitte og Wuth Copenhagen her.

Dette år har været skønt. Vi har mærket, hvordan vores cashmere klub er vokset, og vi er taknemmelige for den støtte og kærlighed, I giver vores designs. Dette var mine tanker for året 2023 og hvad jeg ser frem til i året, der kommer. Tak for den evige støtte.

Knus, Birgitte WuthBirgitte Wuths underskrift fra Wuth Copenhagen

The Gift Guide

Christmas edition

The Gift Guide

This year we have made a Gift Guide for you to help you through this year’s Christmas gifts. Spoil someone special with a luxurious cashmere gift. We have made it easier for you to choose by highlighting some of our favorite styles. Treat someone you love with a special gift this year – both for him and for her. Elevate your gift-giving and find that perfect gift based on who you are giving it to.


The Chic

A cashmere gift for the chic woman in your life. Our Agnes Pullover is one of our newer styles. It is a classic crewneck sweater in 100% heavy cashmere knit with double-folded neckline, dropped shoulders, long sleeves, side-slits, and rib knitted neck, cuffs, and hem. It has a comfort fit, which makes it perfect for someone who loves wearing a nice flowy pullover. Agnes is a classic and chic girl, who loves quality, and can elegantly be styled with a pair of suit pants. Spoil you special one with a 100% cashmere pullover.

Get Agnes in black, light grey, navy, sky blue, violet or pine green. You can also get the Agnes Pullover in a striped variant of navy and bailey.


The Skier

A cashmere gift for the skier to stay fry and warm on the slopes. The Basic Turtleneck is a staple part of our collection. It is a basic, ribbed turtleneck in 85% silk and 15% cashmere with a high turtleneck, long sleeves, slightly slim-fit shape, and a ribbed and stretchy texture. This is just a must-have item that everyone would get a lot of wear out of. It is a timeless piece that can be worn both in the warm and cold season.

Get the Basic Turtleneck in black, steel grey, creme, or navy.


The Minimalist

A cashmere gift for the minimalist who loves the clean and simple look of 100% cashmere. Our Caroline Pullover is a classic in our collection. It is a classic fit sweater with a round neck in 100% cashmere knit with long raglan sleeves, and rib knitted edges by the neck, cuffs, and hem. Caroline is a no bullshit kinda girl, and with a “don’t care”-attitude she effortlessly strolls through the city. And she is a relaxed girl with an oversized boxy fit, which gives her a more masculine silhouette.

Get Caroline in black, light grey, cloud white, navy, sky blue, bailey, beige melange, candy, or lilac.


The Homebody

A cashmere gift for the homebody to lounge around in. The Paula Pants is the perfect piece in your home lounge outfit. It is a classic fitted sweatpant in 100% cashmere with an elastic waistband, slit side pockets, and rib knitted edge at the belt. It has a comfortable and relaxed fit, and is perfect as loungewear. Paula is your go to friend, who is always ready to lounge around with some popcorn and a movie. She is your best sofa friend at home. Easily match the pants with a nice and comfy sweater for the complete lounge outfit. We promise 100% cashmere, 100% comfort.

Get the Paula Pants in light grey or navy.


The Accessorizer

A cashmere gift for the accessorized to stay warm through the winter season. Our Classic Scarf is a true classic wardrobe staple for both him or her. It is a large rectangle shaped scarf in 100% heavy cashmere knit with a classic hem. It is long enough for you to wrap it around your neck multiple times to stay nice and warm. We have created it in every color, so that there is one for every person. Easily pair it with a cashmere hat or a pair of gloves to complete the outfit. The perfect gift so that your loved one can stay warm throughout the winter.

Get the Classic Scarf in black, dark grey, navy, denim blue, sky blue, violet, or green green.


The Essential

A cashmere gift for everyone that have everything. The Gloves are an essential accessory for the cold winter season. They are made in 100% heavy cashmere knit with a double-folded and rib knitted hem. The perfect accessory in the winter wardrobe for him or for her. They have a classic look with a simple touch of Wuth Copenhagen in the shape of our logo carefully placed on the hem. Choose your gift in every color of our collection and decide what will work the best for that special someone.

Get the Gloves in black, dark grey, light grey, or green green.


The Charmer

A cashmere gift for a man who deserves the luxury of 100% cashmere. Our Ryan Pullover is a classic and staple pullover for a special man in your life. It is a men’s classic sweater in 100% cashmere with a round neck and ribbed edges. It has a regular fit, so it won’t be too loose or too slim. We believe every man deserves a nice and soft cashmere pullover that he can use both at home or on top of a shirt. Ryan is the perfect gift for a man who deserves to experience everyday luxury.

Get the Ryan Pullover in black, dark grey, navy, or pine green.



Our Gift Guide is made to make the art of gift giving easier this year. Choose this year’s Christmas gifts and spoil someone special with the luxury of cashmere. We have highlighted some of our favorites and we are of course ready to answer any question you might have, so that you can choose the perfect gift for him or her you love. We will gift wrap it nicely, so it can be as exclusive outside as it is on the inside.

Christmas edition

Our cashmere muse: Caroline Jensen



Søballe Jensen

Denne serie vil præsentere vores cashmere muses og vise, hvordan de styler deres favorit cashmere styles. Vi vil vise, hvordan Caroline Søballe Jensen, @carolinesjensenn, styler sine cashmere styles på forskellige måder, hvilket giver en forskellig vibe alt efter, hvad du sætter det sammen med. Caroline er vores cool cashmere muse, og hun har en fængende blanding af en klassisk, cool, og praktisk måde at style vores cashmere designs på. Hendes rå og tidløse tilgang til mode har fanget vores opmærksomhed, og vi er beærede over, at hun har gjort plads til vores styles i hendes hverdagsgarderobe. Bliv inspireret af Carolines måde at style vores cashmere styles på.

Klassisk elegance.

Caroline inkorporerer ubesværet klassiske elementer i sin hverdagsgarderobe. Hun styler sin Alba Pullover i Cloud White på en klassisk måde, men gør det sporty og hverdagsagtig med et par shorts. En skøn kombination der giver en ubesværet og afslappet, men dog chic vibe. Vores Alba Pullover er en v-neck 100% cashmere sweater med lange ærmer, side slidser, og et comfort fit. Den har ribstrikkede detaljer ved nakken, håndleddene og hoften, som giver den en tidløs fornemmelse. Carolines mix af en tidløs blazer, kvalitetscashmere og et par cool shorts gør hendes styling elegant og klassisk med et sporty twist.


Vores Basis Bluse i 85% silke og 15% cashmere har en rund hals, lange ærmer, et tætsiddende fit, og et ribstrikket og stretchy materiale. Vi tror, at vores Basis Bluse vil være den perfekte basis style i din garderobe, og at du nemt kan style den, som du ønsker – Caroline er det perfekte eksempel på det.


Cool og råt.

Det der gør Caroline unik er hendes naturlige evne til at tilføje en rå energi i sine outfits. Hun styler en luksuriøs silke og cashmere bluse med en cool oversized frakke, sneakers, og en frygtløs attitude. Vi elsker, hvordan hun leger med lag samtidig med at bibeholde en monokrom vibe. At matche styles i forskellige nuancer af grå giver et øjeblikkeligt cool og råt outfit.

Praktisk chic.

Caroline ved, at mode burde være så praktisk, som det er fashionabelt. Det er derfor, at hun værdsætter alsidigheden og komforten af cashmere. Hun kender kunsten af lag-på-lag, og tilføjer en ekstra pullover til sit outfit for den perfekte blanding af varme, stil, og praktik. Hun styler vores Caroline Pullover i Green Green med et par straight jeans og en gul sweater, og vi tror på, at det skaber den perfekte balance mellem at være chic og praktisk.

Vores Caroline Pullover er en klassisk rundhalset sweater i 100% cashmere med lange raglanærmer og med ribstrikkede detaljer ved halsen, håndleddene, og hoften. Lag-på-lag er den perfekte måde at lege med farver og materialer, samtidig med at forblive varm gennem sæsonen.


Carolines unikke tilgang til mode inspirerer os oprigtigt. Hun viser os, at cashmere ikke kun er til særlige lejligheder – det kan være en del af din hverdagsgarderobe, hvor det højner din komfort og selvtillid. Det bliver tydeligt, at forskellige cashmere styles nemt kan skabe forskellige vibes i dit outfit alt efter, hvad du ønsker.

Caroline Søballe Jensen er vores cashmere muse. Praktisk chic i 100% cashmere fra Wuth Copenhagen

Vi beundrer Carolines måde at få det til at fungere uanset, hvilken cashmere style hun bærer. Hendes alsidighed og autenticitet repræsenterer vores brands filosofi. Klassisk, tidløst, og cool.

The Accessories


The Accessories

Når vejret bliver koldere og koldere, siger vi velkommen til cashmere accessories. De er de perfekte ekstra tilbehør til at give dig ekstra varme, når der er behov for det. Cashmere accessories uanset form er den perfekte faste del af din garderobe, når den kolde sæson kommer. Uanset om du er til et cashmere halstørklæde, ribstrikkede sokker, handsker eller vanter, så har vi det. Vores accessories er tilgængelige i alle de klassiske farver og hver sæson tilføjer vi nye farverige versioner.

Klassisk halstørklæde fra Wuth Copenhagen. The Accessories fra Wuth. Cashmere accessories.
The Accessories fra Wuth Copenhagen. 100% cashmere accessories.

Accessories kollektionen 

Vores accessory kollektion består af produkter i 100% cashmere, som er perfekte til, når efteråret begynder og indtil foråret starter. Vores Klassiske Halstørklæde er det perfekte oversize og varme halstørklæde, der vil holde din hals og nakke varm. Størrelsen gør det muligt for dig at binde det to gange rundt om halsen og stadig have noget tilbage, som du kan putte ind under jakken. Vores Halsedisse er perfekt til at holde din hals ekstra varm. Med en rullekrave og i et ribstrikket materiale fungerer den perfekt udover en tætsiddende basisbluse. Du kan også bruge den ud over en skjorte og gøre outfittet mere professionelt.

Vores udvalg af luksuriøse cashmere accessories.

Så har vi vores Stine Hat, som er det perfekte vintertilbehør. Den er ribstrikket og er foldet dobbelt omkring hovedet for at holde dine ører ekstra varme. Huen er lavet af 100% cashmere og kommer i forskellige farver til at matche vores andre accessories. Vores cashmere Handsker er en fast del af outfittet, når de kolde morgener kommer. De vil holde dine hænder og fingre varme, mens du kører eller cykler i vintermorgenerne. De passer til alle med en ribstrikket og dobbeltfoldet ende og one size størrelse. Vores Vanter er tæt relaterede til vores handsker og har også en dobbeltfoldet ende. Få dem i en farve, der matcher din cashmere hue og halstørklæde. Rib Sokker er den perfekte tilføjelse til dit hygge-outfit. I 100% cashmere vil de holde dine fødder dejligt varme i det kolde vejr. De er lavet i et ribstrikket materiale og har et one size fit. Vi synes også, at de fungerer i et par støvler til hverdag. Hvorfor ikke holde sig dejligt varm med 100% cashmere altid?


850 kr.
1.600 kr.

Accessories kan løfte din garderobe.

– Birgitte Wuth

Accessories til alle lejligheder.

Når efteråret kommer, er det Klassiske Halstørklæde og Rib Sokker perfekte. Det er, når vejret begynder at blive koldt og man har brug for ekstra varme i de områder, hvor man nemt fryser. Langsomt begynder vintersæsonen og du kan tilføje et par Handsker eller Vanter, så du kan sørge for at holde dine hænder varme i de kolde morgener. Når vinteren rigtigt kommer, får du brug for en Stine Hat og en Halsedisse, så du holder dig varm og ikke bliver syg. Vores accessories bliver lavet i det samme udvalg af farver, så du kan mixe og matche, som du har lyst. De passer sammen perfekt og kan nemt bæres på samme tidspunkt alt efter, hvor koldt vejret er den dag.

Vi byder sæsonen velkommen med vores cashmere accessories. Vi synes, at de tilføjer ekstra varme til dit outfit uanset, om du skal på arbejde, er derhjemme eller skal ud at gå en tur. Perfekte, klassiske og tidløse accessories, som du kan bruge fra efteråret indtil foråret. Vores accessory kollektion har forskellige styles alt efter, hvad du har brug for og findes altid i de klassiske farver. Vi tror på, at alle har brug for en lækker cashmere accessory – og at det er den perfekte luksuriøse julegave

The Turtleneck Season

The Turtleneck Season

Autumn is here and winter is just around the corner, which means that we are embracing turtleneck season. Turtleneck sweaters are perfect for when the weather gets colder and you need that extra warmth on your neck and throat. Whether you like a loose turtleneck or a more closely fitted turtleneck, we got you. We want to present to you our turtleneck pieces and describe the benefits of the different styles depending on the weather.

                           Experience comfort and elegance

We have 7 different styles in our turtleneck collection, and we want to explain which pieces are perfect for what and why. We have two classic turtleneck sweaters, the Eva Turtleneck and the Amalie Turtleneck. They are basic and slightly oversized turtlenecks that work on their own in an outfit. Style a pair of jeans with one of the oversized turtlenecks to get a comfy and slightly casual look.
Then we have a thinner style with a maritime look, the Marine Turtleneck. It still gives a nice and toasty warmth, but is a thinner knitted material than the next style we want to present. Style the marine with a pair of suit pants and mix the sporty maritime vibe with a more classic and professional office vibe.
Amalie Turtleneck
Simone Turtleneck

A thicker turtleneck style in our collection is the Simone Turtleneck. It is a thick knitted cashmere sweater with a high neck, which means it will give an incredible warmth to you and your throat – perfect for those cold winter days. This turtleneck is perfect for when you are lounging at home and want to stay warm while laying on the couch, but can also be styled appropriately for the office hours.

Especially for the autumn months, a thick turtleneck can be too warm. That is why we have created a turtleneck vest, that you can easily use on its own or wear on top of a basic slim blouse. We call it the Pernille Vest, and it is a thick cashmere vest. It is an oversize and boxy vest that would look cool and edgy with a pair of slim pants and a chunky belt. We love the opportunities this style creates, and you can play with it

Experience comfort and elegance

Then we have our Basic Turtleneck, which is part of our Basic Collection that is a mix between cashmere and silk. It is the perfect all around piece as it will keep you warm and dry, but it is not too hot. Use it as a layering piece in the ski season or on its own with a short sleeved shirt on top. Lastly, we have our Neck Warmer that is the perfect turtleneck accessory for when the weather is cold and you need a little extra warmth. Ours is made of 100% cashmere and will keep your neck and throat warm for sure. It has a more loose fitted neck, so you won’t feel like it is too tight.

Basic Turtleneck

Turtleneck season is upon us and we are ready for it. Embrace it with our different styles of turtlenecks and use it throughout the autumn and winter season. From thick sweaters to a slim basic to an accessory. Whatever you need, we got you covered. All of our turtlenecks can be styled however you want, and we have given you some ideas to get you inspired.

Fabric Guide

Autumn-Winter 2023


Fabric Guide.



All natural.

We are a cashmere brand primarily, but do also have other fabrics such as silk and wool. We want to let you in on the difference between the fabrics we have, and why. There is a reason why one would choose one fabric over the other. They are all natural fabrics that will have different purposes for the style. There is therefore a meaning to why we are choosing different fabrics to different products, and now you have the chance to know why.



Cashmere is our primary fabric as it is what most of our styles are made of exclusively. It is one of the most exclusive products and comes from goats living in Mongolia. It is mostly the hair of the goats that naturally gets stuck in the grass that is used. But why is cashmere so soft? The fibers come from the goats’ undercoat, which is the finest and softest spot. It is protected by an outer layer, and therefore it does not get negatively affected by the weather and other conditions. Cashmere is warmer and lighter than regular wool, which is why a cashmere sweater made of 100% cashmere will be very light, but very warm as well. In addition to this, the finer the fibers you use, the better and softer a piece you will get. We use the finest quality for our styles, which is why our pieces are exactly the softest and best of choice.



Silk is a fabric we use for our Basic Collection in a perfect blend together with cashmere. It is a natural fiber that is extracted from the silk butterfly’s cocoon, and is one of the longest and finest fibers. Silk is known to be very smooth and soft. That is because it is the treads around the cocoons that are used and collected. The silk fiber is smooth which makes the silk very soft when used in styles. On top of that, silk has an ability to make your skin breathe while wearing it. The fibers of silk have a very good absorbent ability as it can absorb 30% of its own weight in humidity without it feeling wet on the skin. That is why we say that you will feel balanced while wearing our Basic styles. We blend our silk with cashmere in order to get both the balancing and smooth touch from silk and the warmth and softness from the cashmere.



Wool is a fabric we use for our outerwear, which means our coats and jackets. It is a natural fiber that is known for its warmth, but why is it that warm? Wool fibers have hollow spaces naturally, which gives it an ability to entrap air within the material. This means that wool is perfect as an insulating material and will keep you warm in the cold weather. Our wool styles are not itchy in any way, because they are made from longer and softer fibers. This makes it way more comfortable to wear on the skin. The reason we have chosen wool for our outerwear is because it is extremely warm without being too hot to wear in the fall and early spring as well.

We use natural fibers in our styles; cashmere, silk, and wool. These are all natural materials that have different abilities, which is perfect depending on what style it is. We want a cashmere sweater to be warm while lightweight, and obviously also incredibly soft. Our cashmere and silk blend is to have a smooth and soft style that will keep your skin balanced throughout the day or night. We want the wool of our outerwear to keep you warm and insulated even on the coldest winter days.

Birgittes Three Favorites

Birgitte’s           Three Favorites

We have presented our Autumn-Winter 2023 collection, and in this article the founder and owner wishes to highlight her three favorites of the newest collection.

Our Cashmere Collection

The new collection has feminine silhouettes, oversize edginess, and classic colors. You can find both classic and trendy styles perfectly complimenting the autumn and winter atmosphere. Get into the autumn and winter spirit, and explore all the new beautiful styles perfect for when the weather gets colder. Perhaps it will become three favorites in your wardrobe capsule.

The Agnes Pullover


Say hello to one of the new styles in our collection, The Agnes Pullover. A classic round neck in 100% cashmere with a double folded neck and long feminine sleeves. It is a favorite because it’s a classic pullover perfect for everyday. Classic and simple in the highest quality. Birgitte Wuth styles it with suit pants and cool boots for an edgy yet feminine look. Agnes truly is a timeless and effortless style, that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Birgitte’s favorite is in sky blue, which is a new color in our AW23 collection. A soft and light blue that perfectly will match the colder weather. Whether it is the late autumn sky or the ice in the winter time, it will match perfectly.

Agnes Pullover i 100% premium cashmere

Sky Blue


Cloud White


The Eva Turtleneck

The Eva Turtleneck is one of our classics, and is a style that has been existing in our collection for years. It’s an oversize and boxy turtleneck in 100% premium cashmere with dropped shoulders, long sleeves, and ribbed edges. Eva is a classic, comfortable and warm turtleneck perfect for this colder season. It will give you an oversized and casual Scandinavian look. Birgitte’s favorite is in the beautiful cloud white color, which is a soft white with a hint of warmth. It is a beautiful contrast to the darkness in these autumn months, and will for sure give an extra oomph to your outfit. An older style in a new beautiful and classic color. The cloud white color gives your outfit a classic and clean look, and can obviously be matched with other beautiful colors or you can keep it neutral.

The Amanda Coat

The third and final favorite from Birgitte is the newest addition to our outerwear collection, The Amanda Coat. It’s a medium long, classic coat with a belt and spacious pockets. Birgitte loves the classic and feminine silhouette it gives an outfit. Amanda is in 100% premium wool that will make sure you are dry and warm throughout the season. All of our outerwear is of the highest quality and will therefore stay in your closet for years and years. Birgitte’s favorite color in the Amanda Coat is the champagne, which is a soft and warm neutral color. It’s a classic and light color that will go perfectly with the usual dark colors one would tend to be drawn to in the winter time.



Who is Birgitte Wuth?

Birgitte Wuth is the founder and designer of Wuth Copenhagen. She has a design degree from the international design school ESMOD in Paris, and from the time that Birgitte Wuth studied in Paris her passion and love for cashmere grew stronger. Want to lean more about her and her passion? 


Frequently asked questions

You asked.

We answer.

We are always striving to get better in any way possible. We constantly improve our website, collections, social media, and of course our customer service. That includes answering all your questions regarding our styles, sizes, and brand in general. Here we have gathered some frequently asked questions from you, and will answer them to the best of our ability

“Why choose Wuth Copenhagen over other Danish cashmere brands?.”

We are just one out of many cashmere brands in Denmark, but what makes us special is our love for quality and our persistence in giving everyone the opportunity to invest in something nice. In addition to that, we are a very small business meaning we are three people in the team. This means that we all are a part of every process and love to get involved in the different aspects of the company. Being a small business, we rely on you, our customers, which means we put a lot of hard work and effort into our customer experience and service. This is something we hope you can feel when you visit our website.

“How many people are behind the brand?” 

We are a small, but good team of three. Birgitte Wuth is the founder and owner of the brand as well as the designer of all our pieces. She is creative and innovative when creating new styles and colors for all our collections. Simone Staal is our marketing manager and website guru. She is the one designing our website and making sure that our styles are presented beautifully and manageably. Then we have a SoMe wizard, Cecilie Mantzius, who is managing our social media and writing articles. So, we are a small team, which we like because it means that we are all involved in every aspect of the brand.

Our story

“How is your brand sustainable?”

We are constantly trying to improve our collections to be sustainable, which is why we focus a lot on telling how our pieces can be a great investment for you. A sustainable piece is something that can be in your wardrobe for many years. Cashmere is a fabric that will last forever with the right care, which is why we make guides and articles about how to take care of your cashmere, because that is what makes the difference. That is also what you pay for, when you are investing in a premium cashmere piece: quality and durability.

“Size inclusivity?.”

Our sizes have for a couple of years been from a size small to a size large, but now we are consistently including more sizes such as extra-small and extra-large. This is something we are prioritizing in order to include everyone in our collections. A bigger size range means an investment in something we do not know will sell or not, but by receiving feedback from you, our customers, we now know that it is something we want to include in our collections.

“Does it really matter if it’s 100% cashmere?” 

Yes! That’s the short answer. The longer answer is that if you’re buying a cashmere blend with another fabric that is not the same quality, you’re compromising price for what makes cashmere a premium product. The softness and lightweightness will be compromised if the fabric is not 100% cashmere. Obviously, pure cashmere comes with a price, but it also comes with a much higher durability, which makes it worth every penny in the end. Keeping an eye on whether a piece is a 100% cashmere is so important, because it really does matter.

Our cashmere

Still need some answers?

Answering your questions, whether it’s about our styles or our brand, is something we value and prioritize. That is why you can always contact us through Instagram, through email or by calling us: you ask, we answer. We are here to guide you in any way possible, because we strive to get better day by day.

How to Style Cashmere in the Summer

How to Style Cashmere in the Summer.

Our vacation collection consists of beautifully detailed styles in different summer colors. The SS23 collection is created with the thought of bringing quality items into this season. We want to show that cashmere pieces are not only something to wear in the cold winter months, but can act as the perfect extra layer in the summer. Therefore, we are guiding you in how to style cashmere in the summer, so that you can invest in quality pieces that can be used and loved all year round.

Silke-cashmere cardigan med polokrave fra Wuth Copenhagen.

What makes our styles proper for summer?.

If you live in a climate like Scandinavia, the summer months may consist of various weather. Sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy – we have it all. Therefore, you may need both thicker and thinner variations of cashmere pieces. Our collection has both. The Basic Collection will provide a thinner cashmere and silk combination that is perfect for when it’s hot outside. The silk is a body temperature regulating fabric that will stabilize your skin while keeping it warm with the cashmere. The SS23 collection on the other hand will provide you with warmer pieces that are perfect for when the weather is colder. They are made of 100% premium cashmere and are truly quality investment styles.

Summer styles for every occasions.

Our Helena Cardigan is a perfect open and flowy piece in a combination of cashmere and silk. It is a perfect style for when the sun is out, but you still want something with long sleeves. Its flowy silhouette will make sure that you do not overheat in the summer sun. Wear it together with a pair of Basic Shorts in cashmere and silk as well. They are also soft and flowy, and will act as the perfect shorts while lounging outside in the nice weather. When the sun sets and you need a layer for sitting outside and enjoying the peaceful evening, you find a warmer cashmere pullover. Our Rikke Pullover is perfect for this occasion as it has a polo neck and an oversize fit that is perfect for summer time. You can also use it over the shoulders and then at night, you can wear it properly while eating a nice dinner outside.

discover the vacation collection

Always cashmere. Also in the summertime.

Our vacation collection has styles for every occasion in the summertime. From the basics in a perfect combination of cashmere and silk, to the heavier pure cashmere pieces from the SS23 collection. We want to show you how cashmere is perfect all year round and in every season. You just need to know how to wear it accordingly. Invest in quality cashmere pieces and wear it season after season with some guidance from us to you.

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