A letter from the founder

A letter from the founder

Jeg vil personligt samle op på året 2023, der er gået, med et par af mine tanker. Jeg håber, at du vil læse dette og tænke tilbage på det år, du har haft, og måske endda lave nogle ønsker for det næste år, der kommer.

Vi ser frem til et nyt år. ny sæson. nye styles.

Som i ethvert andet nytårsbrev vil jeg gerne skrive mine tanker ned for fremtiden. Vi vil blive ved med at blive mere og mere bæredygtige – så meget som det er muligt inden for modeindustrien og blive ved med at skabe styles, der kan leve i din garderobe i årtier. Jeg vil blive ved med at skabe styles, der vil være grundlaget i din garderobe og blive ved med at inspirere dig i forhold til styling, så du kan få mest ud af dine cashmere styles. Og mens vi nærmer os lysere og længere dage, ser jeg frem til at introducere nye styles og farver i den kommende kollektion, vores Spring-Summer 2024. Farvepaletten for det nye år er stadig neutrale farver, men med et hint af farve som enhver anden kollektion. Det er målet for det kommende år og for fremtiden generelt.

Året 2023

Dette år 2023 har budt på tre nye kollektioner: vores Pre-Spring 2023, Spring-Summer 2023 og vores Autumn-Winter 2023. Jeg skabte hver kollektion med tanken om at have en specifik farve, der skulle skinne gennem kollektionen, og selvfølgelig også skinne i din garderobe. Jeg begyndte at tænke, at hver kollektion skulle have én farve, der er fremhævet, og som passer ind i sæsonen, og vi kunne godt mærke, at I også elskede det. Visionen har altid været at skabe klassiske styles, men det betyder ikke nødvendigvis neutrale farver – du kan helt sikkert få en vild farve til at fungere i hver sæson, du skal bare style, så det passer til. Farverne, der er stået ud i år, har været Candy, Strawberry, og Violet. Dette år har jeg også været inspireret af kontrasterne i naturen og i byen. Derfor har vores kollektioner også været i neutrale farver, som du finder udenfor såsom den smukke Cloud White, den sarte Sky Blue, og den neutrale brune Toffee.

Læs mere om Birgitte og Wuth Copenhagen her.

Dette år har været skønt. Vi har mærket, hvordan vores cashmere klub er vokset, og vi er taknemmelige for den støtte og kærlighed, I giver vores designs. Dette var mine tanker for året 2023 og hvad jeg ser frem til i året, der kommer. Tak for den evige støtte.

Knus, Birgitte WuthBirgitte Wuths underskrift fra Wuth Copenhagen

The Accessories


The Accessories

Når vejret bliver koldere og koldere, siger vi velkommen til cashmere accessories. De er de perfekte ekstra tilbehør til at give dig ekstra varme, når der er behov for det. Cashmere accessories uanset form er den perfekte faste del af din garderobe, når den kolde sæson kommer. Uanset om du er til et cashmere halstørklæde, ribstrikkede sokker, handsker eller vanter, så har vi det. Vores accessories er tilgængelige i alle de klassiske farver og hver sæson tilføjer vi nye farverige versioner.

Klassisk halstørklæde fra Wuth Copenhagen. The Accessories fra Wuth. Cashmere accessories.
The Accessories fra Wuth Copenhagen. 100% cashmere accessories.

Accessories kollektionen 

Vores accessory kollektion består af produkter i 100% cashmere, som er perfekte til, når efteråret begynder og indtil foråret starter. Vores Klassiske Halstørklæde er det perfekte oversize og varme halstørklæde, der vil holde din hals og nakke varm. Størrelsen gør det muligt for dig at binde det to gange rundt om halsen og stadig have noget tilbage, som du kan putte ind under jakken. Vores Halsedisse er perfekt til at holde din hals ekstra varm. Med en rullekrave og i et ribstrikket materiale fungerer den perfekt udover en tætsiddende basisbluse. Du kan også bruge den ud over en skjorte og gøre outfittet mere professionelt.

Vores udvalg af luksuriøse cashmere accessories.

Så har vi vores Stine Hat, som er det perfekte vintertilbehør. Den er ribstrikket og er foldet dobbelt omkring hovedet for at holde dine ører ekstra varme. Huen er lavet af 100% cashmere og kommer i forskellige farver til at matche vores andre accessories. Vores cashmere Handsker er en fast del af outfittet, når de kolde morgener kommer. De vil holde dine hænder og fingre varme, mens du kører eller cykler i vintermorgenerne. De passer til alle med en ribstrikket og dobbeltfoldet ende og one size størrelse. Vores Vanter er tæt relaterede til vores handsker og har også en dobbeltfoldet ende. Få dem i en farve, der matcher din cashmere hue og halstørklæde. Rib Sokker er den perfekte tilføjelse til dit hygge-outfit. I 100% cashmere vil de holde dine fødder dejligt varme i det kolde vejr. De er lavet i et ribstrikket materiale og har et one size fit. Vi synes også, at de fungerer i et par støvler til hverdag. Hvorfor ikke holde sig dejligt varm med 100% cashmere altid?


850 kr.
1.600 kr.

Accessories kan løfte din garderobe.

– Birgitte Wuth

Accessories til alle lejligheder.

Når efteråret kommer, er det Klassiske Halstørklæde og Rib Sokker perfekte. Det er, når vejret begynder at blive koldt og man har brug for ekstra varme i de områder, hvor man nemt fryser. Langsomt begynder vintersæsonen og du kan tilføje et par Handsker eller Vanter, så du kan sørge for at holde dine hænder varme i de kolde morgener. Når vinteren rigtigt kommer, får du brug for en Stine Hat og en Halsedisse, så du holder dig varm og ikke bliver syg. Vores accessories bliver lavet i det samme udvalg af farver, så du kan mixe og matche, som du har lyst. De passer sammen perfekt og kan nemt bæres på samme tidspunkt alt efter, hvor koldt vejret er den dag.

Vi byder sæsonen velkommen med vores cashmere accessories. Vi synes, at de tilføjer ekstra varme til dit outfit uanset, om du skal på arbejde, er derhjemme eller skal ud at gå en tur. Perfekte, klassiske og tidløse accessories, som du kan bruge fra efteråret indtil foråret. Vores accessory kollektion har forskellige styles alt efter, hvad du har brug for og findes altid i de klassiske farver. Vi tror på, at alle har brug for en lækker cashmere accessory – og at det er den perfekte luksuriøse julegave

A Simple Signature

A simple signature


When you see the W, you instantly know it’s a Wuth Copenhagen cashmere piece. The simple and elegant logo carefully placed on the different styles symbolizes not only the brand but a story. We will take you back in time. Back to when Wuth Copenhagen was founded and our cashmere brand was introduced to the luxury fashion scenes.

Where it all started

Wuth Copenhagen is founded by the owner, Birgitte Wuth, who has a background in design from Paris and Copenhagen. With her solid expertise and great interest in fashion, she founded the brand in 2014. Read our story.

The thoughts behind the design of our logo are discreet, classic and neutral. 

– Birgitte Wuth

The thoughts behind the design of our logo are discreet, classic and neutral. We want you to be able to spot our design without feeling like you are shouting it from the rooftops. Recognizability but made subtle. We believe that if you know, you know. It is about our styles standing out from other brands without drawing too much attention with a crazy color or a big design. Subtle and classic are how to secure staple pieces in your closet.

All about cashmere

First, the company was called Wuth Cashmere, but after introducing our Coat Collection with wool coats and Basic Collection with cashmere & silk items, it made sense to rename it to Wuth Copenhagen. Birgitte has a great passion especially for cashmere and in the different possibilities of this kind of natural product. She visits different cities and cultures in order to get inspired to create beautiful pieces with attention to detail.

Our simple signature

Our logo is what brings all our pieces together, whether it will be accessories, outerwear or cashmere sweaters. The logo symbolizes our brand, our styles and our story through almost 10 years, and we know and hope that you will carry our pieces with confidence and continue the story. When you see the W, you will know that it is a Wuth Copenhagen piece.

The Basics

The basics


The Basics

We believe in styles that are suitable all year round, and that is why we have created a basic collection with simple styles, minimal details and staple colors. Our basics are created so you always have a staple piece to reach for in every season. It’s made in a perfect combination of 85% silk and 15% cashmere that will give the soft touch to the skin while keeping you balanced. The basic pieces are perfect both on its own, but also as a layering piece. They will keep you warm and dry throughout the day or night.

Silke & Cashmere. Basis bluse i den fineste cremehvide farve til forår og sommer. Silke og cashmere i den bedste kvalitet fra Wuth Copenhagen.

A basic collection 

Basics for every season. The basic collection is perfect both in the winter and in the summer. The silk is perfect for regulating the body temperature, so it will keep you warm in the winter, and cold and dry in the summer. The cashmere will as usual provide an incredible softness to the skin and make sure that you are comfortable. Our basic collection consists of pieces that will never go out of style and they will always be a part of our complete collection.

Our selection of all-year basic styles.

Our basic collection consists of The Basic Blouse, which is a style with a rounded neck, a slim to regular fit and in a ribbed material. The rib knit makes it a very comfortable fit as it is stretchy and will follow the shape of your body. The Basic Turtleneck is in the same material but has a high neck that will keep your neck nice and warm. This style is perfect as a layer under a blazer or a vest – or perhaps as the inner layer on a ski trip?

Then we have our Basic Leggings and our Basic Shorts, that are the last pieces in a perfect basic lounge fit. The Helena Cardigan completes our collection with its loose fit and flattering stripes. It has a polo neck and a beautiful button closure. The basic styles are always available in the staple colors of black, steel grey, cream & navy, but every season a new color will be added to fit the collection.


Steel Grey
Basic Cream
1.300 kr.
Steel Grey
Basic Cream
1.400 kr.
Original price was: 1.500 kr..Current price is: 750 kr..

The basics give you endless opportunities.

– Birgitte Wuth

Basic is back in town.

When you don’t know what to wear, you reach for the basic styles in your closet. They are perfect as the basic layer making it possible for you to style it with fun pieces. You can easily play with the basic styles and make it fun. We love styles you can use all year round either matching it with a pair of shorts or wearing an oversize blazer on top.

We truely believe in styles that are perfect for every season and in all kinds of weather. A perfect blend of cashmere and silk will give you strong durability and a luxurious touch. It will keep your body perfectly regulated and balanced, which makes these styles nice and effortless. It’s all about the combination of materials and the fit making it comfortable for any occasion.

How to properly care for Cashmere

How to properly take care of cashmere. Wuth Copenhagen really care for cashmere items.
How to properly take care of cashmere. Wuth Copenhagen really care for cashmere items.


How to Properly Care for Cashmere

Always treat your cashmere nicely

Take care of your cashmere pieces and they will last a lifetime. That is our mantra and we firmly believe that it is true for everyone. If you take proper care of your cashmere, then it will stand the test of time. But why is it important? A cashmere item is often a more spendy piece of clothes, and with good reason. Both because it’s a careful hand craftsmanship that takes time to produce and because of the premium quality, but also because it’s an item that will last forever – if you will let it.


 After washing, never dry the sweater in a dryer or directly in the sunlight as it can shrink, lose its softness and changes in the fibers can occur. We recommend you dry it carefully with a towel and then lay it flat on an even surface. After some time, you may start to notice that your cashmere style starts to build up little lumps of fibers. No worries, just use a cashmere comb and carefully brush your piece and remove the excess, and it’s as good as new. We suggest you don’t wear your cashmere item two days in a row. Instead, make sure to give your piece at least one day to breathe. Read our Care Guide.

How to take care of your cashmere

Our advice is you should take the time to understand how to care for your cashmere. And yes, cashmere requires regular care, but it’s so worth it. First of all, don’t wash your cashmere item between every wear. It will slowly start to break down the fine fibers, so instead hang your item in the fresh air and use a cashmere mist to refresh it. This will spare you for a wash and it will spare your cashmere piece as well. When it is necessary to wash it, hand wash it only with water under 30 degrees. A temperature that’s too high will ruin the fibers and ultimately shrink your cashmere piece. 

Treat your cashmere nicely for keeping it for a life time.

“Everything depends on how you take care of cashmere. And if you care, our styles will last for a life time.”

– Birgitte Wuth 

Do’s & Don’ts

Always do this

  • Wash in water no higer than 30 degrees
  • Let your cashmere piece air
  • Use a cashmere comb
  • Lay flat while drying 
  • Use a steamer to remove wrinkles 
  • Keep your piece folded in your closet

Never ever do this

  • Don’t wear your time two days in a row
  • Never use a dryer or hang to dry
  • Don’t iron your cashmere
  • Don’t hang your item in your closet
  • Never lay your item directly in the sun while drying

Cashmere items need attention, love and care – just like you would treat your favorite plant at home in order for it to thrive. As cashmere is a product from nature, we suggest always giving your item some air in order to maintain its amazing qualities. We promise that if you treat your cashmere nicely, it will be a part of your closet for a lifetime. By following these fairly easy steps, you can make sure that no matter how much you wear your items every season, it will last.

The Benefits of Cashmere

The benefits of cashmere
Natural material

The Benefits of Cashmere

Cashmere is known for being a natural and luxurious material. And we know for sure, that cashmere has a lot of wonderful benefits. One of them is that cashmere is the softest natural fibers you’ll find in nature. Cashmere is eight times warmer than sheep’s wool and 33% lighter. The cashmere fiber has a crimp or curl that sheep’s wool does not have. And this extra crimp holds pockets of warm air close to the body. That’s why cashmere is light, incredibly soft, and extremely warm.

The benefits of cashmere

Perfectly Warm & Very Breathable 

Although cashmere is perfectly warm, it is still very breathable and brilliant for regulating your body temperature which make it comfortable through the seasons. The quality and softness of the cashmere will make the material perfect for your skin, and you’ll never have to worry about itchiness.

You’ll get all the benefits from looking after your cashmere. The longevity of cashmere depends on care and quality. With the right care, cashmere will keep its shape and softness. And make sure you’re buying the best of the best cashmere.

It’s time to discover the best cashmere for you.

We only use the best 100% Mongolian cashmere, well known for being the highest quality of material. Our cashmere is Grade A, which means the best quality you can find in the nature. The quality of the cashmere fibers has a direct impact on the durability, softness and peeling of the material. Our cashmere yarn is OEKO-TEX certified and spun in Inner Mongolia, where you can find goats of the highest quality due to the favorable weather conditions.

When you’re investing in cashmere from us, you’ll get the best quality for you and your wardrobe. Take care and you’ll have our cashmere for a lifetime.  

Grade A Cashmere

We only use premium cashmere. And our cashmere yarn is OEKO-TEX certified and spun in Inner Mongolia, where you can find goats of the highest quality due to the favorable weather conditions. Our cashmere is light, incredibly soft and extremely warm …


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